Posted on 30/06/2014 in category Textiles

BIR publishes new video on Textiles Recycling

At the last BIR Convention in Miami, the Textiles Division introduced a short video about the importance of the textiles recycling industry at a global level. The new video explains, in a simple and timely manner, the contribution of the textiles recycling industry to the global economy, the protection of environment and development of sustainable solutions.

The purpose of creating this video is to help BIR and its members to raise awareness around the importance and the needs of the textiles recycling industry. We think the video is a good tool for BIR membersĀ  to explain to local audiences, including policymakers and community opinion-leaders, that they are part of a global business with significant contributions to the economy and environment.

If you place this video on your website, it can provide a general introduction to any new or returning visitor of your webpage and will underline the importance of your business. Please find hereafter the link where you can download the video in MP4 format in order to place it to your website (you may need to right click on the link to the desired format and choose "Save as" in order to download the video and prevent your browser from displaying it automatically).

Recycling video (MP4 format) recommended for Internet Explorer 9 and above

If you need the video in a different format, please let us know.

We hope that you find this new tool useful and would be grateful if you could let us know how and where you used it to highlight the role of recycling and of BIR.

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