Posted on 17/02/2017 in category BIR
BIR World Mirror on Latin America - Issue February 2017
2017 has not been short of uncertainties and question marks. We are going through a process of reconfiguring domestic and international identities. Change and ever-renewing challenges seem to be the only constant in our industry; but challenges only serve as a backdrop against which great human entrepreneurial spirits can shine. It has been encouraging to listen to and learn from my colleagues who are never short on drive and are always willing to give their best for our industry, scrap suppliers and consumers.
During the early weeks of the year in Mexico, there was significant noise relating to the constant, boisterous threats of the new US President against Mexico and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). As each of these threats is issued and relayed almost instantly, it becomes evident that there is no way to enact them without inflicting significant damage on one or several sectors of the US economy (...)
Alejandro Jaramillo – Glorem SC (MEX)
Chairman of the BIR Latin America Committee