Posted on 20/01/2017 in category Convention

Dates for BIR World Recycling Convention

in New Delhi (India) confirmed!

(13) 14-16 October 2017, Taj Palace Hotel

BIR is pleased to announce that the 2017 World Recycling Convention (Round-Table Sessions) in New Delhi (India) will take place from 13 to 16 October 2017 in the Taj Palace Hotel, a luxury 5-star venue located in the prestigious Diplomatic Enclave of Delhi.

Unlike at any other previous October convention BIR will be offering a full 3-day programme in India:
•       Friday, 13 October, internal meetings;
•       Saturday, 14 October, will be fully dedicated to ‘Business with India’;
•       Sunday, 15 October and Monday, 16 October will feature BIR’s Division and Committee plenary meetings and potential workshops.

Please note these dates in your calendar and prepare to join us for the first-ever BIR Convention in India!

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