Posted on 17/06/2015 in category Legislation
India : BIR requests extension regarding Pre-Shipment Inspection Certification
On behalf of its members, the Bureau of International Recycling has written to the Indian Minister of Commerce and Industry to request an extension of 4 months of the transition period regarding the pre-shipment inspection certification (PSIC).
In collaboration with the Indian recycling association MRAI and the US-American association ISRI, BIR endeavours to convince the Minister that more time is needed for all inspection agencies (PSIAs) to be perfectly prepared to deal with the certification requests. Currently, the new rules laid out in Public Notice No. 12/2015-20 are set to take effect as of 1st July 2015.
In its letter, BIR stresses that most large shredders around the world are well equipped to affirm the quality and safety of their own shredded scrap and could therefore be either eligible for an exemption from the rules or be able to carry out self-inspection. Moreover, BIR recognises the progress that Indian ports have achieved in terms of radioactivity detection devices, with some 13 ports operating with portal monitors.