Posted on 11/01/2011 in category Paper

BIR World Mirror on Recovered Paper - Quarterly Report - January 2011


by Ranjit Baxi, J&H Sales International Ltd

Exports were slow to pick up at the start of the fourth quarter of 2010, pointing to the fact that the global economic recovery was still quite fragile. Consumer confidence remained weak and was proving to be difficult to sustain at acceptable levels. Fears of a double-dip recession were receding but worries about the Euro-zone debt crisis continued to heighten concerns over toxic debts and rising unemployment.

Following China’s National Holiday in October, there was some strengthening in recovered paper demand from mills in the Far East at the same time as equally strong domestic demand within Europe. Orders continued to increase over the course of the quarter, with end-November to mid-December proving to be the strongest period for exports.(...)

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