Posted on 21/01/2011 in category Non-Ferrous

BIR World Mirror Non-Ferrous 97, 2011/01

Copper - the red hot topic

Ask most scrap merchants how the markets are performing on any given day, and chances are likely they’ll start off by answering where the copper market is trading. The price of copper has always been the subject of scrutiny - after all, much of it is mined in what were once (and in many cases, still are) regions of inaccessibility, some of which were subject to political upheaval, transportation challenges, strategic opportunity and inconvenience as well.

Given that copper prices are currently trading at or near historical highs, your Non-Ferrous Metals Division will be hosting a Copper Symposium to be held in conjunction with our Division’s meeting at BIR’s Spring Convention in Singapore. We intend to provide, in a period of about three hours, a thorough presentation of various aspects of today’s copper industry; where we are, and where we may be headed. Marc Natan, Past President of the Non-Ferrous Metals Division, has accepted the task of organizing this event, one that will no doubt be of significant interest to all of our members. We encourage your participation, which will be included as part of your registration for the Convention.

Robert Stein
Alter Trading (USA)
President of the Non-Ferrous Metals Division
11 January 2011

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