Posted on 29/04/2013 in category Ferrous

BIR World Mirror on Ferrous Metals - April 2013

by Christian Rubach, TSR Recycling

An argument based on facts not emotions 

I am writing this foreword in New Delhi where I have been attending a great and perfectly-organised convention of the MRAI, the young Indian association of metal recyclers. During a panel discussion involving recyclers, politicians, law-makers and ministers, the issue of reliable statistics in India - which do not yet exist - was frequently outlined.

It is therefore with some pride that the Ferrous Division will present the 4th edition of its statistical report “World Steel Recycling in Figures” at the upcoming BIR World Recycling Convention in Shanghai. This latest edition will help BIR and its European daughter association EFR to promote our demand for free and fair trade worldwide, and to argue - with facts rather than emotions - that the availability of scrap in Europe, in the USA and in other member states of the OECD is sufficient for the steel industries of those countries and regions, and that a surplus of scrap is being generated and processed year by year which is being exported to third countries. This surplus is not taken away from the national steel industries in an unfriendly move by the recycling industry; no, the contrary is true...

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