Posted on 21/05/2008 in category Convention
“Problems and solutions concerning shipments
Tuesday, 3 June2008, at 16.30 hrs
Nowadays, large amounts of scrap are being shipped in containers as opposed tobulk. The worldwide trade using containers is booming, thus creating avery challenging market with its own specific issues of space,equipment and pricing. However, whilst solving some logistics issues,it has created others.
Theworkshop organised by
Panelparticipants will involve sellers, buyers, shipping lines, surveyorsetc. who will give a short individual statement before opening thediscussion to the attending audience.
Thisissue affects our trade daily and can make or break a deal…so all members are invited to attend, listen and join in on the discussion.
Thesession will be moderated by Robert Voss of Voss International (UK).Panellists are: Ikbal Nathani (Nathani Group of Companies,