Posted on 28/05/2008 in category Non-Ferrous
Non-Ferrous Metals Division world-wide monthly market updateby Robert Stein, President of the BIR Non-Ferrous Metals Division
Our ability to adapt
Sixty years is an auspicious milestone for any organization, and ours is no exception. Our industry, though, has proven its viability for a lot longer than 60 years as we have always had the ability to revitalize ourselves to meet the demands of the times.
We've met and overcome obstacles which would have exceeded the capabilities of lesser industries and trade organizations: export restrictions; import barriers; and environmental matters of major proportion which, in retrospect, distinguished us and helped to define who we are today.
We've been able to adapt, I think, because we in the non-ferrous business are faced with opportunities and challenges on a daily, even momentary, basis.
Seethe monthly world wide market update in our Members only section withreports from key countries.