Posted on 12/10/2009 in category Plastics
Okura Hotel, Amsterdam
(25) 26-27 October 2009
Plastics Committee:
Dutch recycling experts analyse various aspects of the industry
The BIR Plastics Committee has invited two Dutch industry experts to give their view on various aspects of the recycling markets.On Monday, 26 October 2009 at 14.30, attendees of the round-table willbe listening to Pieter Kuiper M.Sc., Project Manager Post-ShredderMaterials for Auto Recycling Nederland (ARN). Mr Kuiper has 10 years ofrecycling experience. Initially trained in mining, mineral processing,metallurgy and recycling at Delft University of Technology, Mr Kuipergained practical training at the world’s largest bauxite mine, inGuinea, Western-Africa. He embarked upon a career in recycling in theworld’s largest open-pit mine: the port of Rotterdam, identifyingcooperation possibilities for companies with waste streams that couldbe jointly processed. An example of this ‘waste to waste processing’was the refining of off-spec ores with waste sulphuric acid.
From Rotterdam,Pieter Kuiper went to Amsterdam, a city operating one of the largestand most modern Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators (MSWI’s) in theworld. Here, a 50 tph pilot plant was realized, which was able torefine MSWI-bottom ash to clean sand and gravel, while recovering allresidual ferrous- and non-ferrous metals.
As Project ManagerPost-Shredder Materials for ARN, Pieter Kuiper is involved in therealization of ARN’s 100 kiloton/annum post-shredder processing line.With a fellow processing engineer, he is jointly responsible forsecuring markets for the products yielded by this post-shredderprocess. These products include mixtures of mineral materials andmixtures of plastics. Pieter Kuiper specializes in finding markets andfinding processing routes for ‘difficult’ streams of material.
Mr Kuiper will be speaking about “Auto Recycling Nederland: a plastics recycler”.
Second guest speaker is Ed Flohr, an independent industry expert and investor in high-tech firms.
Until mid 2009, MrFlohr was Vice President of the Management Board of Royal LankhorstEuronete Group bv (Sneek – NL), a company active in the production andsales of ropes, technical yarns, fish netting, yachting products andrecycled plastic products worldwide. As such he was also ManagingDirector of Lankhorst Recycling bv which he led to a 10-fold increasein sales between 1997 and 2009.
Ed Flohr studiedAerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology and BusinessAdministration at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
He started hisbusiness career in consulting and moved on to the Dutch Ministry ofEconomic Affairs and several aerospace companies in Europe and theUnited States.
Mr Flohr will be speaking about “Flexibility – the core competence of a recycler”.