Posted on 19/11/2009 in category BIR
United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen:
BIR is present to advocate important contribution of recycling to CO2 emission savings
BIR participates in ‘Bright Green’ Exhibition in Copenhagen ( in parallel to the United Nations Conference on ClimateChange - 12 - 13 December 2009, Forum Copenhagen- Stand 9
BIR will be participating, on behalf of its members, in the Bright Green Exhibitionin Copenhagen on 12 and 13 December, which runs in parallel to the UnitedNations Conference on Climate Change (7 to 18 December).
TheExhibition was set up to give organisations, municipalities, companies etc theopportunity to showcase their very specific approaches and solutions forresolving the problem of climate change.
BIR’s recent study on the environmental benefits of recycling has shed light on the important contribution that the recyclingindustries make in terms of energy, water and CO2 savings: through recycling, global CO2 emissions are reduced by 500 milliontonnes, which is more than all the CO2 emittedby aviation worldwide.
Inparallel to BIR’s initiativeat the Bright Green exhibition, BIRDirector General Francis Veys will be part of the official delegation of theInternational Chamber of Commerce and will attend the ICC business day at theClimate Change Conference.
At thestand, BIR will be supported by theDanish recycling federation GI ( to convince visitors of the paramount environmental contribution therecycling industries and their importance as the leading future raw materialssuppliers at a globalscale.
Governmental representatives from 170 countries are expectedto be in Copenhagenin the days of the conference accompanied by other governmentalrepresentatives, NGO's, journalists and others. In total 8000 people areexpected to Copenhagenin the days of the climate meeting.
In 2012 the Kyoto Protocol to prevent climate changes and globalwarming runs out. To keep the process on the line there is an urgent need for anew climate protocol. At the conference in Copenhagen 2009 the parties of theUNFCCC meet for the last time on government level before the climate agreementneeds to be renewed.